About Us

We are a family-owned honeybee apiary located on Long Island, NY. The journey started when I was brainstorming gift ideas for my husband, Matt, and remembered how he had always wanted a beehive. As I researched different types of hives, I realized how much there was to learn to succeed in beekeeping and, most importantly, keep the bees alive. Instead of giving him bees on impulse, we decided to dedicate the year to learning everything we could about honeybees and beekeeping. As I delved into the world of bees, I quickly became completely absorbed. The more I learned, the more I fell in love with them.
Beekeeping became an integral part of our lives and a passion that we now share with our three young boys. Matt enjoys building the equipment, the excitement of working the hives, and the vital role honeybees play in agriculture and gardens. Our boys love collecting burr comb for their candles and, of course, harvesting and tasting the sweet rewards from the hives. For me, it’s the brainstorming—the fascinating complexity of the colony and the intricate relationship honeybees share with their environment that captivates me.
Wild Blossom Apiaries was founded to share our passion for honeybees and beekeeping with our local community, and we are excited to invite others to join us in this incredible journey.