Swarm Removal

Report A Swarm

Please contact 516-473-4508 as soon as possible.
Recommended donation of $100.

Swarming is an incredible event to witness! While it can be alarming at first, a swarm is actually a honeybee colony’s way of reproducing. During this time up to two-thirds of the original colony departs their hive in search of a new home, turning one colony into two. Shortly after they leave, the bees form what’s known as a bivouac, where they congregate on a tree branch, fence, bush, or even the side of a car. In this temporary resting state, the swarm begins scouting for potential new homes. Scout bees search nearby cavities and ‘vote’ on which location is best, before the entire swarm takes flight and heads to their final destination.

If you encounter a swarm don’t panic! Contact us immediately. We will come collect the swarm so they do not take up residence in unwanted places, protecting the bees and then caring for them so they turn into a thriving colony.

After a swarm is collected they will need to be housed and cared for. The equipment can be costly and bringing a swarm into an apiary adds the risk of contamination to other managed colonies. Although not mandatory, this is why there is a recommended donation of $100.

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Phone: 516-473-4508
Email: [email protected]

Please call us
as soon as possible